Dymchuk Gallery presents a group project Exhibition on Demand, which brings together works by Odesa nonconformists and contemporary Ukrainian artists from the gallery’s collection.
The exhibition is dedicated to reflection on the situation of summer recreation in the conditions of quarantine restrictions. Summer is traditionally associated with travel, impressions and recreation in exotic places – all that due to the pandemic was temporarily unavailable. The works of contemporary artists with images of summer landscapes, which in the context of the exhibition become nostalgic, are presented in contrast to the works of Odessa nonconformists – a group of artists of the 60s – 70s of the twentieth century, for whom isolation and closed borders were an everyday reality.
The combination of inaccessible goods depicted by contemporary artists and everyday, but forgotten joys, shared by nonconformists raises the question: what is the pleasure of summer vacation today? How to continue to enjoy the new day in conditions of the real threat imposed by the social requirement to get the most out of life? After all, living for today is sometimes more difficult than adhering to any restrictions.
The project features the works by Olexandr and Serhiy Anufriev, Lucien Dulfan, Yuriy Yegorov, Lev Mezhberg, Viktor Pavlov, Volodymyr Strelnikov, Stanislav Sychov, Valentyn Khrushch, Lyudmyla Yastreb, Igor Gusev, Volodymyr Kozhukhar, Oleg Tistol.