The winner of the Open Call is announced

Dymchuk Gallery announced the name of the winner of the Open Call for Ukrainian artists under  35.

140 applications from 19 regions of Ukraine were received in total.

The jury which consists of Oksana Barshynova, Nathanja Van Dijk, Kateryna Filyuk, Alexander Solovyov and Anatoliy Dymchuk processed 23 shortlisted applications and decided the winner.

The winning proposal by Kinder Album will be realized in Dymchuk Gallery in September, 2016.

Kinder Album is an Lviv-based artist, PinchukArtCentre Prize 2015 nominee. The artist uses Facebook as a platform for artistic expression and emphasizes that recipient’s feedback is a major component of her practice. The project proposed for implementation in the Dymchuk Gallery is aimed at interaction with the audience and continues declared by the artist theme of perception of sexuality and corporeality by Ukrainian society.

During the discussion, the jury distinguished several artists with whom the gallery plans to cooperate in the future.

Kinder Album