Born in 1967.

1982-1986 – Baku state art school.
1989-1993 – Moscow Academy of design named after Stroganov (industrial design).
Lives and works in Odessa.

Selected solo exhibitions:

2015 The Battle of Happiness, Dymchuk Gallery, Kyiv
2016 Art without borders, Galery Studio 28, Apeldoorn, Netherlands
2014 Ghost of abstractionism, Dymchuk Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine
2012 Chronicles of Transition of Mankind, Project of Bondero and Iryna Berezhko, Gallery LWW. Amsterdam, Netherlands
2011 Hypostasis, NT-Art gallery, Odessa, Ukraine
2010 Decline of America personal project, Yatlo gallery, Odessa, Ukraine
2009 Project Electronical Anarchy, Karas Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
2008 Technodecadense, Karas Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
2007 Survival technics, Karas Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
2006 Fight of civilizations, gallery L-?RT, Kiev, Ukraine
2005 Global warming, Maritime Gallery, Odessa, Ukraine
2004 Revolt of boxers, gallery L-?RT, Kiev, Ukraine
2003 Industrial Buddhism, State Art Museum, Odessa, Ukraine

Selected group exhibitions:

2016 Principles and sensations, Underground Art Gallery, Odesa
2015 Strabag Artaward International, Kunsthalle, Vienna, Austria
2015 Enfant Terrible. Odessa conceptualism, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv
2013 BERLINER LISTE 2013, Berlin, Germany
2013 Odessa Biennale of Contemporary Art, Odessa, Ukraine
2013 August Agenda, Dymchuk Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine
2013 Odessa school. Traditions and actuality, Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine
2013 Nord Art Festival 2013, B?delsdorf, Germany
2012 Yellow giants, The Odessa fine arts museum, Odessa, Ukraine
2012 The average foot, NT-Art gallery, Odessa, Ukraine
2012 Save the president. ARSENALE 2012 Parallel programme, Kyiv, Ukraine
2011 Space Odyssey, Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine
2010 II Odessa Biennale of Contemporary Art, Museum of Contemporary Art of Odessa, Odessa, Ukraine
2010 Big Brother, IV Collision art and cultures Sztukowanie 2010 – Festival Premier, Poland, Gryfino, Culture House of Gryfino
2009 Survive technic, III Ukrainian international photo biennale, Karas Gallery, Kiev
2009 Good-bye, Cryza, Museum Of Contemprorary Art, Odessa, Ukraine
2008 Bitlomania, Da Vinci Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
2008 Room exhibition, Bereznitsky Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2008 Erogenous zone, Da Vinci Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
2008 Gogol-fest, Mysteskyi Arsenal, Kiev, Ukraine
2007 Gogol-fest, Mysteskyi Arsenal, Kiev, Ukraine
2005 Conjunctivitis, gallery Ra, Kyiv, Ukraine
2004 A Farewell to Arms, Mystetsky Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine
2004 Utopia, gallery L-?RT, Kiev, Ukraine
2002 Shirt-frog, Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia
2002 Garage. Transmission, Kiev, Ukraine
2001 Fuhrer under the control, Odessa Art Museum, Odessa, Ukraine
1994 Project Bonded area, Art museum, Odessa, Ukraine
1994 Tower of Pisa, Thyrsus gallery, Odessa, Ukraine