Leonid Wojzechow

1955 - 2018

Art theorist, painter, graphic artist. Odesa conceptualist artistic movement cofounder

Was born on October 5, 1955 in Odessa.
1971-73 – Odessa Grekov State Art College
1975-76 – Odessa Pedagogical University, graphic arts department.
1977-78 – Odessa Institute of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Architecture.
In 1987 moved to Moscow, a member of the Municipal Committee of the charts.
1988-1990 – Curator of the “Diaspora” (an exhibition of Jewish artists).

Works are in the collections of Museum Ludwig (Germany), the Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne (Australia), City Museum of Angers (France), City Museum Martigny (Switzerland), the Russian Museum of New Art (New York), The State Tretyakov Gallery (Russia ), in private collections (Germany, France, Russia, Ukraine).

Selected exhibitions:

2015 Borderline. Ukrainian Art 1985–2004, PinchukArtCentre, Kyiv
2015 ENFANT TERRIBLE. Odessa conceptualism, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv
2013 August Agenda, Dymchuk Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine
2013 Odessa school. Traditions and actuality Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kiev, Ukraine
2012 Mausoleum Renaissance,  Art Center Jacob Grether. Kiev, Ukraine
2007 Art raiders Starokonniy market. Odessa, Ukraine
2004 A Farewell to Arms, Mistetskyi Arsenal. Kiev, Ukraine
2003 The First Collection, Central House of Artists, Kyiv, Ukraine
2002 Russian conceptualism, Madrid, Spain, Lisbon, Portugal
2000 Psychedelic in the Russian conceptualism, the Pompidou Centre. Paris, France
1990 Diaspora, Central House of Artists. Moscow, Russia
1990 Artists Furman, Warsaw-Paris-Bern
1989 The Soviet Union today (acquisitions), the Museum Ludwig. Aachen, Germany. Contemporary Art Museum, St. Etienne, France
1989 Green exhibition, the Museum of New Art. New York, USA
1989 Medgermenevtika and other Gallery Krings-Ernst. Cologne, Germany
1989 Dialogue with the Russian avant-garde. Contemporary Soviet Art, Center of Boris Vian. Paris, France
1989 Inexpensive Art, First Gallery. Moscow, Russia
1989 … up to 33, Palace of Youth. Moscow, Russia
1989 Rauschenberg – to us, we to – Rauschenberg, First gallery. Moscow, Russia
1988 Eidos, the Palace of Youth. Moscow, Russia
1988 18th Youth Exhibition, Arena. Moscow, Russia
1983-86 APT-ART, Moscow, Russia. New York, USA. Washington DC, USA